Tips for Running a Successful Board Meeting

A successful board meeting, whether it is in person or virtually, requires careful planning and attentiveness. It is essential to create a setting that encourages healthy debate and innovation.

The board chair (typically the president or the manager of your community association) should preside over the board meetings. In each item on the agenda, allow each board member an opportunity to express their views, ask questions or express concerns, before taking votes to decide the outcome of each item. This prevents any confusion down the road as to what was discussed, decided on and ratified by the boardroom.

Clearly Identify the End Goal of Each Item

Include an description of the purpose behind each item on the agenda. This will avoid confusion or waste of time. It’s helpful to look at the box next to each item in order to identify whether it’s meant to provide information, seek information, or to come to a conclusion.

Don’t be rushed into a decision

Many boards feel they need to make a decision fast to appease homeowners who are displeased or to keep from dragging out a problem which could resolve itself. This only causes your community and board to be delayed. Furthermore, decisions made in a hurry are usually not well executed and usually lack the advice from experts.

At a minimum, once a year Consider evaluating your meetings

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